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How to choose a suitable Back wash System


To choose a suitable back wash system you need to look at three points of effectiveness, which are as follows:


1. Is the system effective to filter the elements/sediments in the water?


2. Is the back wash effective? (This is very important, just like you can eat the best food for a week but you have constipation)


3. Is the maintenance cost reasonable?


If the system you are comparing can have the above effectiveness then it’s a good system. There are three types of system in the market for you to look at. This may look biased; however, it is the truth. And how do you know that this is the truth? You can do your own research, or you can ask the companies for a money back guarantee or for a free trial. Note: This information is guidelines for you to recheck and confirm rather than just blind believing in what is written. 



Different types of Filtration Systems:


1) Master Filter


- Filtration: Master Filter uses multi-layered Filtron™,

a high-density fibre that can filter matter as small as 10 microns,

which is 10 times finer than a strand of human hair.

(Very EFFECTIVE on Solid Sediments)


- Backwash: Our water pressure is not capable of effectively removing the trapped sediments on the high-density fibre. (NOT EFFECTIVE)


- Maintenance: RM 60-180 is needed for every manual cleaning done by technicians using pumped water (when the whole house water supply is low) around every 3-12 months depending on usage and water quality. RM 300-450 is the cost to change the media if there is a need to. (HIGH COST)



2) Ultra Filtration (UF - Stainless Steel)


- Filtration: Hollow fibre membrane pre filter is designed specially to solve

the problem of water quality. By using the new innovative technology,

the membrane which is formed by thousands of membrane has a density

up to 0.01 Microns, which is 10,000 times thinner than a strand of hair.

Hence, Super Membrane Pre Filter is not only capable in completely

filtering the soil, rust and other solid materials in tap water,

it can also filter bacteria with a size larger than 0.01 Microns.

It filters tap water effectively, ensuring that it is clean water

that flows into your house. (Very EFFECTIVE on Solid Sediments)


- Backwash: Our water pressure is not capable of effectively removing the trapped sediments in the hollow fibre membrane. (NOT EFFECTIVE)


- Maintenance: RM 400-500 when changing the membrane from 3 months to 2 years depending on usage and water quality. Or alternatively pay RM 150-180 for every manual cleaning requiring soaking the membrane with Chemicals. Plus auto backwash twice a day consumes a lot of water. (HIGH COST)



3) Sand Filtration


Multi layer sand system


- Filtration: The sand is all jumbled up during a backwash, causing a

bigger filtration gap. Carbon is used which is not recommended because

carbon takes away the chlorine in the water supplied by SYABAS. Chlorine

prevents fungus, bacteria and virus that survive in the water. (NOT EFFECTIVE)


Note: Carbon is only recommended to be used at the Point of Use

(Kitchen tap before consume) to remove chlorine before consuming.


- Backwash: The overall sand is too heavy to lift, therefore causing longer time to backwash. (NOT EFFECTIVE)


Maintenance: Carbon needs to be changed every 9 months to a year. It is impossible to change only the carbon when all the sand is jumble up. (HIGH COST for changing all the sand annually is around RM 350-450)



Single sand type system


- Filtration: If using 0.3mm silica sand, it should manage to filter solid sediments up to 10 microns (Effective on solid sediments) If using  Xsorb, it also can filter up to 10 microns, and absorb the non-solid elements as well.


- Backwash: 0.3mm silica sand only requires 22 lit/min flow rate to backwash for 10' diameter 35' high body. (Effective in most housing areas) Xsorb weight is 65% lighter thus it is a more effective backwash.


Maintenance: If back wash is done regularly, the 0.3mm silica sand can last up to 5 years at the cost of RM 400-500. (Effective & reasonable) Xsorb cost RM 400 every 3-4 years.


Notes: To date, there are not more than two companies who fully import vessels made in USA, with one from Australia and one from Germany. All companies that claim they import from USA, Swiss, Australia or any other country might not be true at all. (Just ask them to provide the supplier website in US to verify) FRP tanks are normally Made in China with different grades and stainless steel is normally from Thailand (better grade), China and locally made.


Only the Master Filter & Ultra Filter with fixed form material as media can give you a specific micron. All loose sand base media cannot have a fixed micron size; it depends on the water flow and pressure in your area that compresses the media.

Used high density fibre as filter media
Used hollow fibre membrane as filter media.
Used multi layer sand, carbon, Zeolite as filter media.
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